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<p>In this module, you will become familiar with and work towards the following learning objectives:</p>
<li>Define the right to access the system of justice;</li>
<li>Become familiar with Article 13;</li>
<li>Understand the right to effective and equal access to justice for persons with disabilities and its importance for achieving disability rights;</li>
<li>Identify processes in which the rights of persons with disabilities to effective and equal access to justice have been promoted or denied;</li>
<li>Identify ways in which equal access to justice has been promoted or denied;</li>
<li>Analyze the crucial role of procedural and age-appropriate accommodations in facilitating the direct and indirect participation of people with disabilities in all legal proceedings; and</li>
<li>Highlight possible entry points to advance the right of persons with disabilities to effective and equal access to the system of justice.</li>
<p><em>Let's watch an introductory video with Michael Schwartz. </em></p>
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<p>Article 13 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires State Parties to "ensure effective access to justice for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others." Appropriate accommodations must be provided to enable access, and this requires the State to train judges, lawyers, court personnel, police, and prison staff on their obligations to enable access for persons with disabilities.</p>
<p>For example, the testimony of Blind and partially sighted people who identify by sound and touch should be legally recognized as admissible evidence in a court of law, providing the same safeguards are taken to ensure an objective identification as are taken with witnesses who identify suspects or defendants by their visual appearance.</p>
<p>Deaf people must be allowed to serve on juries with interpreters, and to be able to provide testimony in whatever method of communication they need to express themselves. Courts, police stations, and prisons must be accessible for people who use wheelchairs or motorized scooters.</p>
<p>Even spectators with disabilities who wish to attend a judicial or administrative proceeding must be accommodated.</p>
<p>As people of color around the world remind us, "No justice, no peace."</p>
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<p>Too often discriminatory barriers to justice on the basis of disability disenfranchise persons with disabilities, such as exclusions from legal remedies based on a declaration of legal incompetence or incapacity by a court.</p>
<p>The CRPD prohibits exclusions on the basis of disability, restrictions that very often impact persons with intellectual and psycho-social disabilities. In practice, disqualifications relating to mental capacity are much abused; they are applied arbitrarily and without court declarations. In this context, therefore, the education of defense lawyers, police officers, prosecutors, judges, and prison staff is critically important. So is the education of persons with disabilities as to their rights under domestic and international law.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/84f3e4cece3a252378ad321a48d82828/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/The_barriers_to_the_system_of_justice.png" alt="The barriers to the system of justice" /></p>
<p>Let's examine some of the barriers to the system of justice:</p>
<li>Attitudes about the value of inclusion of persons with disabilities in the decision-making processes of justice;</li>
<li>Lack of accessible information about pro se representation and retention of counsel;</li>
<li>Lack of accessible information about one's rights under the law;</li>
<li>Physical barriers to public buildings, including courts, police stations and correctional facilities;</li>
<li>Lack of accessible information on judicial and administrative proceedings for people with sensory disabilities;</li>
<li>Lack of knowledge and understanding of disability-related accommodations for people with disabilities on the part of the key stakeholders of the system of justice such as lawyers, judges, police officers and prison officials; and,</li>
<li>Hostility and/or exclusion of persons with psycho-social disability and intellectual disabilities in the system of justice's decision-making processes;</li>
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<h3>Case study</h3>
<p>This case is based on a true story.</p>
<p>Ernest Marshall, profoundly deaf since birth, was at a performance off-Broadway when he was subjected to an assault from one of the performers who used an industrial broom to sweep debris and dust from the stage floor into Marshall's face, resulting in physical injury to Marshall's eyes and emotional distress due to embarrassment and humiliation.</p>
<p>Marshall retained counsel and filed a lawsuit in the Civil Court of the City of New York. Marshall lived five hours away in a different county but had to bring suit in the county where the incident happened.</p>
<p>The case was docketed, and a series of meetings at the courthouse ensued. However, every time Ernest appeared in court, the judge failed to provide a sign language interpreter. Not only that, his own lawyer failed to ensure that the court had an interpreter on hand for Marshall.</p>
<p>Discuss the failings of this system of justice. How would you remedy the problems?</p>
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<h3>Law enforcement support services for victims with disabilities</h3>
<p>One aspect of the system of justice is law enforcement.</p>
<p><img height="508" width="940" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/d1361007378f324d5498f910f0602abd/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/132266.jpg" alt="Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms are key to the OSCE's comprehensive security concept. " /></p>
<p>Interacting with the police as a crime victim, witness, or suspect presents a host of challenges to the ability of the system to provide effective and equal access to law enforcement. One crucial problem is the lack of support services that would enable persons with disabilities to access law enforcement personnel such as police officers. Some examples of in-person support services are:</p>
<li>Provide an accessible police station with structural and communication barriers removed;</li>
<li>Provide sign language interpreters, computer-aided real-time transcription, FM loops, and other communication technologies for Deaf and hard of hearing persons (An FM loop, otherwise termed hearing loop or audio induction loop is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids; the hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to the "T" [Telecoil] setting);</li>
<li>Provide training to law enforcement personnel about persons with disabilities that heightens personnel's respect for the innate dignity of persons with disabilities; and,</li>
<li>Modify policies, procedures, and practices that inhibit equal and effective access to justice, including police investigating malfeasance.</li>
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<h3>International principles and guidelines on access to justice</h3>
<p>The Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Disability and Accessibility have recently released the International Principles and Guidelines on Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities.</p>
<p><em>Select each numbered chapter to go through all International Principles and Guidelines.</em></p>
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<ul class="slides">
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 1</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">All persons with disabilities have legal capacity and, therefore, no one shall be denied access to justice based on disability.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 2</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Facilities and services must be universally accessible to ensure equal access to justice without discrimination of persons with disabilities.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 3</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, have the right to appropriate procedural accommodations.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 4</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Persons with disabilities have the right to access legal notices and information in a timely and accessible manner on an equal basis with others.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 5</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Persons with disabilities are entitled to all substantive and procedural safeguards recognized in international law on an equal basis with others, and States must provide the necessary accommodations to guarantee due process.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 6</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Persons with disabilities have the right to free or affordable legal assistance.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 7</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Persons with disabilities have the right to participate in the administration of justice on an equal basis with others.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 8</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Persons with disabilities have the rights to report complaints and initiate legal proceedings concerning human rights violations and crimes, have their complaints investigated and be afforded effective remedies.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 9</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Effective and robust monitoring mechanisms play a critical role in supporting access to justice for persons with disabilities.</h3>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title">Principle 10</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">All those working in the justice system must be provided with awareness-raising and training programmes addressing the rights of persons with disabilities, in particular in the context of access to justice.</h3>
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<h3 class="hd hd-2">Director of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUI Galway, Prof. Gerard Quinn, speaking about the centre, and international and comparative disability law and policy.</h3>
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<h3>Inclusive and effective access to justice</h3>
<p>Persons with disabilities have too often been excluded from effective and equal access to the system of justice, and this exclusion from decision-making processes reinforces the barriers to full participation in society.</p>
<p>The enjoyment of the right of persons with disabilities to effective and equal access to justice is critically interrelated to their enjoyment of other human rights:</p>
<p>For example, if a person with a disability is denied the right to access the system of justice, whether as victim, witness, perpetrator or even spectator, the right to participate in the system of justice is compromised since effective and equal access to justice provides the basis for active citizenship.</p>
<p><img height="390" width="657" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/5c179bdc2b9ac0b12fbfa00402587893/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/vitalii-vodolazskyi-adobestock_cover.jpg" alt="Inclusive and effective access to justice" /></p>
<p>Similarly, if a person with a disability has no access to lawyers or other advocates, the person may not be able to answer a summons, to interpose a claim or a defense in a lawsuit, or to otherwise participate in a hearing, whether public or private, on an important issue that affects the person.</p>
<p>Discriminatory laws that hinder or prevent effective and equal access to the system of justice may permanently deny persons with disabilities of their legal rights and thus deny them their legal capacity, as in the case of processes that strip the rights of persons with disabilities to make decisions about their lives.</p>
<p>The right to effective and equal access to justice has been denied to persons with disabilities throughout the world for a variety of reasons. Discriminatory laws rooted in ignorance or bias may restrict or even prohibit altogether the right to be heard in a legal proceeding, particularly for persons with psycho-social or intellectual disabilities. Stereotypes about disability may also serve to exclude persons with disabilities from being heard in an investigative proceeding or a court of law. Lack of access to information, such as how to retain counsel or represent oneself, can also be a barrier to participation in the system of justice. Communication barriers frequently exclude persons who are deaf or hard of hearing from decision-making processes, such as lawsuits, administrative proceedings, mediation and other processes in the system of justice.</p>
<p>In the context of international development, donor organizations or service providers may wrongly assume that persons with disabilities are unable or uninterested in taking part in the improvement and enhancement of access to justice. These and numerous other barriers serve to reinforce the exclusion and isolation of persons with disabilities in political and public life and more generally, preclude their participation in decision-making in all areas where their interests are affected, whether in the public or private realm.</p>
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<p>Let's review <em>Article 13 – Access to justice</em>:</p>
<li>States Parties shall ensure effective access to justice for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others, including through the provision of procedural and age-appropriate accommodations, in order to facilitate their effective role as direct and indirect participants, including as witnesses, in all legal proceedings, including at investigative and other preliminary stages.</li>
</ol><ol start="2">
<li>In order to help to ensure effective access to justice for persons with disabilities, States Parties shall promote appropriate training for those working in the field of administration of justice, including police and prison staff.</li>
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<h3>The right to access to justice</h3>
<p>Establishing the legal basis for the right to effective access to the system of justice for persons with disabilities</p>
<p>The right to effective and equal access to the system of justice is a well-established principle of human rights law.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/a26b0143a2d6cbfaf037383793ef2469/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/United-Nations-e1515488409100-1024x595.jpg" alt="The UN" /></p>
<p>It is reflected in Articles 6 through 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and in Articles 2, 9, 14-16 and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).</p>
<p>Article 14 of the ICCPR provides that "All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals" of the country, and Article 26 provides that "All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law."</p>
<p>Specialized human rights conventions, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) all recognize "the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice."</p>
<p>The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) elaborates on the right of persons with disabilities to "effective access to justice … on an equal basis with others" and provides specific guidance to States on implementing this right. Effective access to justice in the context of the CRPD encompasses the right of persons with disabilities to participate in the system of justice on an equal basis with others where their interests are affected. Specifically, <em>Article 13 - Access to justice</em>, guarantees the right of persons with disabilities:</p>
<li>To receive procedural and age-appropriate accommodations enabling access on an equal basis with others;</li>
<li>To participate directly and indirectly in the processes of the system of justice, including being witnesses in all legal proceedings;</li>
<li>To participate in "investigative and other preliminary stages" of all legal proceedings; and,</li>
<li>To promote "appropriate training for those working in the field of administration of justice, including police and prison staff."</li>
<p>States Parties to the CRPD are required to ensure the right to effective and equal access to justice for people with disabilities. Importantly, States must take positive actions to assure that people with disabilities enjoy the opportunity to access the system of justice in their country.</p>
<p>For example, in Article 3, General Principles, the CRPD makes accessibility a fundamental principle and calls for "[f]ull and effective participation and inclusion in society." Only an accessible system of justice can deliver on that promise.</p>
<p>Also, Article 4, General Obligations, requires States "to take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to modify or abolish existing laws, regulations, customs and practices that constitute discrimination against persons with disabilities."</p>
<p>Clearly, Article 13, Access to justice; Article 3, General Principles; and Article 4, General Obligations, of the CRPD establish the clearest expression in international human rights law of the right to effective access to justice for people with disabilities.</p>
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<h3>Access to justice of persons with disabilities</h3>
<p>Access to justice is a core element of the rule of law, a fundamental right in itself and a prerequisite for the protection and promotion of all other human rights. The justice system is the key accountability and complaint mechanism that can enforce rights by mandating public authorities or private actors to cease conduct or to undertake specific concrete actions.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/18f4cedb23cd480aaa310103beac737f/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/undraw_security_o890.svg" alt="Access to justice of persons with disabilities" /></p>
<p>Trained staff and judges on the rights of persons with disabilit<span style="font-size: 1em;">ies are fundamental to ensure compliance with international human rights obligations under the CRPD and to provide for effective remedies to persons with disabilities.</span></p>
<p>Persons with disabilities are among the most excluded in accessing justice. General gaps in the administration of justice are more prominent when it comes to persons with disabilities. Limitations in the administration of justice prevent persons with disabilities from seeking justice and obtaining redress. Common gaps include:</p>
<li>the absence of legal aid that is free or affordable</li>
<li>lack of independence of mechanisms</li>
<li>lack of appropriate sanctions to rights violations</li>
<li>lack of accessibility of facilities, information and processes</li>
<li>lack of procedural accommodation (adjustment of procedures to allow a person with a disability to participate on an equal basis with others)</li>
<li>higher rates of poverty</li>
<li>lack of qualified agents of justice, including lawyers and judges</li>
<p>In October 2016 the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union addressed the issue of the minimum standards regarding public sector websites. Enacted was a directive that requires public sector bodies - think instruments of justice such as courts, administrative bodies, and law enforcement - in the member states of the European Union to provide accessible websites. This order also addresses the accessibility of media and documents on these websites.</p>
<p>Member states must make their content accessible or provide a public explanation why this has not been done. These states must also introduce a monitoring and reporting framework to check compliance by 2021.</p>
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<h3>Procedural accommodation</h3>
<p>Article 13 of the CRPD establishes the right of persons with disabilities to be provided with procedural accommodation to facilitate their participation in the judicial process, as direct or indirect participants (e.g. claimant, respondent, witness, juror).</p>
<p>Procedural accommodation allows persons with disabilities to participate in judicial processes on an equal basis with others, by adjusting regular procedures to accommodate specific requirements. Unlike reasonable accommodations, procedural accommodations are not limited by the concept of "disproportionate or undue burden".</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/987c45b0e1a8bb179035f5174dd45348/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/Photo_by_Christian_Tasso__from_the_project_Fifteen_Percent.jpg" alt="Photo by Christian Tasso, from the project Fifteen Percent" /></p>
<p>Some examples of procedural accommodations include:</p>
<li>adaptation of the venue</li>
<li>modifications to the method of questioning, such as allowing leading questions, avoiding compound questions, providing extra time to answer, permitting breaks as needed or using plain language</li>
<li>allowing sign language interpreters to participate in confidential jury debates</li>
<li>extending or adjusting procedural deadlines, e.g. to file an affidavit prepared by a party or witness to the proceedings for which specific measures were required, such as interpretation, communication support or other forms of support and accessibility</li>
<li>adjusting procedural formalities.</li>
<p>Procedural accommodations also include accessibility-related measures that might be required, for example providing assistive listening systems and devices, qualified sign language interpreters or tactile interpreters</p>
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<h3>The CRPD Committee and access to justice</h3>
<p><img height="427" width="640" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/e20b839576c48c83ec003aea35029f36/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/Committee_on_the_Rights_of_Persons_with_Disabilities2.jpg" alt="The CRPD Committee and access to justice" /></p>
<p>The CRPD Committee states as follows:</p>
<p>"The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities innovates the notion of access to justice in international human rights law by defining what access means for persons with disabilities, including tools to overcome barriers, and recognizing the administration of justice as an integral part of governance in which participation is key to promoting citizenship."</p>
<p>Recommendations to address access to justice by the CRPD Committee include the following:</p>
<li>Ensuring the right to a fair trial for persons with disabilities;</li>
<li>Providing access to courts and legal proceedings;</li>
<li>Enabling persons with disabilities to maintain legal standing;</li>
<li>Recognizing the equality of persons with disabilities in the system of justice, something that is intrinsically intertwined with the right to access the system of justice (the former cannot be enjoyed without the latter);</li>
<li>Modifying civil, criminal and procedural laws which prevent persons with disabilities from directly or indirectly participating in judicial or administrative processes on an equal basis with others;</li>
<li>Implementing laws and policies that ensure that information needed to defend a person's rights is accessible; and,</li>
<li>Providing free and affordable legal aid to persons with disabilities in all areas of law.</li>
<p>The CRPD Committee also recognizes that "within proceedings, persons with disabilities face a number of barriers to access justice due to discriminatory laws and practices, including being denied the right to a trial." Additional recommendations follow:</p>
<li>States should repeal such laws and prohibit those practices and implement anti-discrimination measures, including providing procedural accommodations when necessary, in all their forms and in all legal proceedings.</li>
<li>States should also reform their legislation that, as a consequence of depriving persons with disabilities of legal capacity, promotes further violations of the right to a fair trial, including the presumption of innocence, the right to be heard in person, the right to contest witnesses and the right to offer evidence, among other procedural safeguards of due process of law.</li>
<p>The CRPD Committee writes, "The right to an effective remedy includes the obligation on the part of States to act with due diligence to investigate, prosecute and punish perpetrators and/or provide remedies." Recommendations are:</p>
<li>Provide redress and reparation, in all their components;</li>
<li>Take into consideration the specific circumstances of the person with disability;</li>
<li>Address systemic change, including the exposure of truth as a component of satisfaction; and</li>
<li>Provide guidance for legal and policy reform and capacity-building as guarantees of non-repetition.</li>
<p>The CRPD Committee recognizes that participation in the administration of justice is a fundamental condition of citizenship. So, States should do the following:</p>
<li>Enable persons with disabilities in their role as witnesses, jurors, experts, judges, lawyers or other interlocutors within the justice system to exercise their right to participate in public and political life on an equal basis with others</li>
<li>Seek to overcome barriers in access to justice by providing training to judicial officers, lawyers and others, including forensic experts, prison staff and the police, on the human rights of persons with disabilities.</li>
<p>Finally, but not least, the CRPD Committee encourages States to collect and analyze disaggregated data on human rights violations against persons with disabilities and on how the justice system is providing access to a fair trial and effective remedies.</p>
<p>Implementation of disaggregated data-collection tools such as the Washington Group on Disability Statistics Short Set of Questions can contribute to the data revolution and the realization of the promise of "leaving no one behind" under the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly goal 16.</p>
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<h3>Case studies</h3>
<p>Headway, a brain injury association in the United Kingdom, created a nationally-recognized "Brain Injury Identity Card," which enables fair treatment when people with traumatic brain injuries encounter the criminal justice system</p>
<p><span class="fa fa-globe fa-2x" aria-hidden="true" title="Website activity"> </span><span style="white-space: pre;"> <a href="https://www.headway.org.uk" target="_blank">www.headway.org.uk</a></span></p>
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<p>On 19 February 2021, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan organized a public presentation of the Constitution and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "On the rights of persons with disabilities," which was published in Braille. A training guide on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was also published in the Uzbek language.</p>
<p>To ensure access to justice for persons with disabilities in line with Article 13 of the CRPD, governments (e.g. ministry of justice), in coordination with the administration of the judiciary, should:</p>
<li>Develop and implement a plan to facilitate access of persons with disabilities to the justice system, including the development of free or affordable legal aid services. <br /> Related CRPD Indicators 13.1 and 13.4, 13.13, 13.16</li>
</ol><ol start="2">
<li>Promote reform of laws and regulations to eliminate provisions which impede the access to justice of persons with disabilities - to participate in proceedings as a party, witness or juror -, including those based on restriction or denial of legal capacity and those which restrict or deny admission to the legal and judicial profession on the basis of disability. <br /> Related CRPD indicators: 13.2, 13.6, 13.9</li>
</ol><ol start="3">
<li>Promote legal and administrative reforms, including training for judicial actors, to ensure the provision of procedural accommodation in judicial procedures.<br /> Related CRPD Indicators 13.1, 13.6, 13.14</li>
</ol><ol start="4">
<li>Promote legal reform to ensure effective remedies and mechanisms to enforce judicial decisions (particularly for compliance by public bodies)</li>
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