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<h3>The vision of the CPRD</h3>
<p>Taking action to advance the human rights of persons with disabilities can take many forms and engage a wide array of actors and institutions.</p>
<p>Human rights treaties can effect change in society and be a transformative force with thoughtful advocacy planning, careful implementation of the plan, and ongoing monitoring of progress towards the plan's goals. Human rights advocacy encompasses a broad range of tactics in public education, media work, lobbying and political action, legal advocacy, and monitoring.</p>
<p>Before the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, there was no legally binding international treaty covering the rights of persons with disabilities. There were some non-binding instruments during the '70s* and the '90s* however, they were not rights-based, non-binding, little known, or utilized.</p>
<p>The vision offered by the CRPD for National level implementation and monitoring is far-reaching and potentially transformative. But, of course, it works only if it is taken up by States parties and supported by organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), international development actors, and national human rights institutions and mechanisms.</p>
<p>The Convention not only sets forth a host of general obligations familiar to human rights treaties in prompting national law reform and domestic incorporation of its provisions, but it also provides a framework for a comprehensive approach to disability rights advocacy and action.</p>
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<p>So what is monitoring?</p>
<p>in this context of the implementation of the CRPD, monitoring can be very simply referred to as <strong>checking</strong> or <strong>tracking.</strong> So, the monitor will ask key questions such as:</p>
<li>Is a State meeting its CRPD obligations?</li>
<li>Is the State complying with treaty obligations? If not, why not?</li>
<li>What can the State do better and what steps can it take to improve?</li>
<p>*<em>The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities</em></p>
<p>*<em>Mental Illness Principles - Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care</em> (MI Principles)</p>
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<h3>CRPD's monitoring and implementation requirements</h3>
<p>How might disability rights advocacy efforts hold States parties accountable to their CRPD obligations?</p>
<p>Like other human rights conventions, the CRPD creates both monitoring and implementation obligations that have implications not only for States parties, but also for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), national human rights institutions, international organizations, among others.</p>
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<p><strong>"Monitoring"</strong> refers to the process of tracking or checking to determine if States are, in fact, meeting the specific requirements of the treaty. States are responsible for undertaking their own monitoring activities and, in addition, States must ensure that independent monitoring also occurs, for instance, by a national human rights commission. NGOs also have a critical, independent monitoring role as an additional check on State compliance with treaty obligations.</p>
<p><strong>"Implementation"</strong> refers to the actual carrying out of treaty obligations. This is the action that must follow a State Party's adoption of treaty obligations. In a comprehensive human rights treaty such as the CRPD, implementation encompasses all the processes involved in seeing the obligations of the treaty given effect, including law and policy reform, training, ongoing monitoring, and adjusting to new conditions, and ensuring the progressive realization of economic, social, and cultural rights. </p>
<p>Articles 31-40 of the CRPD set forth the provisions for monitoring and implementation the treaty. They are designed to facilitate the way States parties meet the specific human rights obligations set forth in the CRPD and keep systematic track on how they do so. Some of these implementation tools are new and innovative and represent a progressive development of human rights monitoring mechanisms. </p>
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<h3>Key CRPD monitoring provisions</h3>
<p>Here are the key provisions in the CRPD relevant for monitoring:</p>
<p><strong>CRPD Key Provisions to Support Implementation</strong></p>
<li>Article 31 - Statistics and data collection</li>
<li>Article 32 - International cooperation</li>
<p><strong>CRPD Key Provisions on Monitoring and Implementation</strong></p>
<li>Article 33 - National implementation and monitoring</li>
<li>Article 34 - Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities</li>
<li>Article 35 - Reports by States parties</li>
<li>Article 36 - Consideration of reports</li>
<li>Article 40 - Conference of States parties</li>
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<h3>CRPD Reporting obligations</h3>
<p>Like other human rights conventions, the CRPD contains important obligations to ensure that States do monitor their progress in meeting treaty commitments:</p>
<li>States parties are required to participate in the CRPD's compliance mechanisms at both the national as well as international level.</li>
<li>The role for civil society organizations, especially organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) and other human rights groups, is to undertake independent monitoring of how States are doing to comply with the CRPD. Such advocacy can take many forms.</li>
<p>The reporting obligation established under the CRPD is in Article 35 and the articles that follow so under Article 35, each state party to the CRPD, which includes the European Union as a regional integration organization.</p>
<p>All of those ratifying parties must submit a comprehensive report on measures taken to implement the CRPD.</p>
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<h3>Key components of monitoring a state’s compliance with its CRPD obligations</h3>
<p><strong>General Obligations of States</strong></p>
<li>Article 4: States must ensure that their legal framework is consistent with the CRPD – this may require a range of measures such as law reform, policy measures, budgeting, among others. </li>
<li>Article 5: Non-discrimination and equality must be reflected in the domestic law framework; non-discrimination also requires that reasonable accommodation be provided where needed to an individual with a disability. ALL rights in the CRPD must be respected without discrimination on the basis of disability</li>
<p><strong>Specific Obligations of States</strong></p>
<li>For example, the specific human rights obligations set out in Articles 10-30 (from the right to life to the right to participate in sport and culture)</li>
<p><strong>Other Obligations that Facilitate CRPD Implementation</strong></p>
<li>Other obligations, including data and statistics (Art. 31), international cooperation (Art. 32), monitoring obligations (Art. 33) among others.</li>
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<h3>Explainer: The CRPD Reporting step by step guide</h3>
<p><i> Select each numbered chapter to see more.</i></p>
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<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 1 – Reporting Cycle Begins</strong></h2>
<li>State Party submits its State report to the CRPD Committee Opportunity for input from the UN system, NHRIs, NGOs and OPDs</li>
<li>OPDs submit their own parallel or shadow reports to CRPD Committee with priority issues and concrete recommendations.</li>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 2 – Submission of Reports </strong></h2>
<li>State Party submits its State report to the CRPD Committee Opportunity for input from the UN system, NHRIs, NGOs and OPDs</li>
<li>OPDs submit their own parallel or shadow reports to CRPD Committee with priority issues and concrete recommendations.</li>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 3 – List of Issues</strong></h2>
<li>The CRPD Committee presents the State Party with a list of issues and questions based on concerns raised by the report.</li>
<li>OPDs can suggest issues for the list of issues and questions the Committee should ask the State before the Committee adopts its list of issues.</li>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 4 – Written Reply Responding to List of Issues </strong></h2>
<li>States submit their written reply to the CRPD Committee in response to its List of Issues</li>
<li>OPDs can also submit their responses in relation to the List of Issues, in effect supplementing information provided to the Committee in a shadow/alternative report.</li>
<li class="slide">
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<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 5 – Interactive Dialogue between State and Committee in Geneva </strong></h2>
<li>Constructive face-to-face or "interactive" dialogue between the Committee and the State Party delegation.</li>
<li>Opportunity for input from the UN system, NHRIs, NGOs and OPDs.</li>
<li>OPDs can request in advance to give an oral presentation during the session in which the constructive dialogue with their country will take place.</li>
<li>Before the dialogue and during the same session, OPDs could try to meet with Committee members, especially the country Rapporteur, to identify priority issues and recommendations.</li>
<li class="slide">
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<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 6 – Submission of Reports</strong></h2>
<p>The CRPD Committee issues its concluding observations on the report, including recommendations. </p>
<li>Before the concluding observations are adopted, OPDs can identify for the Committee members the priority areas that need quick action and suggest concrete recommendations on the issues that were raised during the dialogue.</li>
<li>Concluding observations should be circulated widely at a national level.</li>
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-content">
<h2 class="slide-title"><strong>Step 7 – Follow-Up Procedures</strong></h2>
<p>Procedures to follow up on the implementation of CRPD Committee's recommendations. </p>
<li>Opportunity for input from the UN system, NHRIs, NGOs and OPDs.</li>
<li>OPDs should work with the national monitoring mechanism and the government on implementing recommendations and follow up.</li>
<li>OPDs should do their own monitoring for the following report.</li>
<li class="slide">
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<h2 class="slide-title">8. Constraining provisions</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Description: This chapter examines the additional constraints on the size and number of notifiable military activities that participating States are allowed to carry out.</h3>
<h3><a class="slide-link">Key focus: To illustrate how large some military exercises can be.</a></h3>
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<h2 class="slide-title">9. Compliance and verification</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Description: Another important chapter of the Document; participating States take compliance with the Vienna Document very seriously. For confidence- and security-building measures to work, there must be ways that they can be verified. Therefore, provisions exist for inspections and evaluations, and the participating States use these to help ensure that others are complying with the agreements they have entered into.</h3>
<h3><a class="slide-link">Key focus: The key role that inspections and evaluations play in promoting transparency.</a></h3>
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<h2 class="slide-title">10. Regional measures</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Description: Here we look at the additional voluntary regional measures that participating States are encouraged to take to increase transparency and confidence. These are in addition to the CSBMs outlined in the Vienna Document.</h3>
<h3><a class="slide-link">Key focus: Measures that can be taken, and examples of regional agreements.</a></h3>
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<h2 class="slide-title">11. Annual implementation assessment meeting</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Description: This meeting of staff from the OSCE participating States’ national verification agencies discusses how well Vienna Document CSBMs are being implemented in practice, and looks for ways of improving their implementation in the future.</h3>
<h3><a class="slide-link">Key focus: The value of information exchanges in assessing CSBM implementation.</a></h3>
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<h2 class="slide-title">12. Final provisions</h2>
<h3 class="slide-text">Description: This closing chapter looks at how the Vienna Document can be kept up to date and relevant.</h3>
<h3><a class="slide-link">Key focus: Ensuring that the Vienna Document is best able to promote stability and security in the context of the present day.</a></h3>
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<h3>CRPD Monitoring and Implementation</h3>
<p>The CRPD stands out among the core human rights conventions because it devotes specific language to the issue of <strong><em>national level</em></strong> monitoring.</p>
<p><strong>A: National focal points & coordination mechanisms within government:</strong></p>
<li>Implementation focal point in government</li>
<li>Coordination focal point</li>
<p><strong>B: National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) play independent monitoring role </strong>(Art. 33(2))</p>
<p><strong>C: Civil society plays monitoring role (Art. 33(3))</strong></p>
<p>CRPD <strong>Article 33 - National implementation and monitoring</strong>, requires States parties to establish specific mechanisms at the national level with a view to strengthening implementation and monitoring of the rights of women, men, and children with disabilities. </p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/a2139855b0397fab9474e15f7b800b6c/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/undraw_judge_katerina_limpitsouni_ny1q.png" alt="local law" /></p>
<p>The CRPD requires States to:</p>
<li>Designate a focal point or focal points within government relating to implementation – in other words, a designated office or other entity that has primary responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the CRPD;</li>
<li>Consider the establishment or designation of a coordination mechanism within government to facilitate related action in different sectors and at different levels; and</li>
<li>Establish an independent framework, such as a national human rights institution, to promote, protect and monitor the CRPD.</li>
<p>Article 33 further requires that civil society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organizations, be involved and participate fully in all aspects of monitoring. OPDs thus have an important role to play in ensuring that they are effectively engaged in monitoring at the national level.</p>
<p>Other mechanisms of national monitoring are also relevant for the effective implementation of the CRPD. For example, national courts and tribunals can ensure legal protection of the rights in the CRPD. A national process that monitors a national human rights action plan is also effective for advancing disability rights.</p>
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<h3>National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) and the CRPD</h3>
<p>National Human Rights Institutions (<strong>NHRI) </strong>were deeply involved in the process of drafting the CRPD. NHRIs representatives from around the world participated in the negotiations and have worked to promote the CRPD through a wide variety of activities. Through the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (<strong>GANHRI</strong>) (formerly called the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (<strong>ICC</strong>)), a representative body of national human rights institutions from all parts of the globe, NHRIs have come together to discuss the CRPD and share lessons learned and country experiences.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/c710512e74236ddc584179e6b8d87b37/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/undraw_black_lives_matter_rndk.png" alt="National Human Rights Institutions" /></p>
<p>There has been a wide range of approaches to the designation of national level independent monitoring mechanisms across the membership of the OSCE and indeed globally. </p>
<p>Some of the approaches taken by OSCE participating States include the following:</p>
<li>Germany designated its already existing NHRI assumed the independent monitoring role, the German Institute for Human Rights (GIHR)</li>
<li>In the United Kingdom, there are several designated NHRIs such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and Scottish Human Rights Commission.</li>
<li>In Spain, the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI)</li>
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<h3>Shadow Reporting by NGOs</h3>
<p><em>In UN terminology, a "shadow report" is the information submitted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the treaty monitoring bodies that address omissions, deficiencies, or inaccuracies in the official government reports.</em></p>
<p>Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as OPDs play an essential role in providing both reliable and independent information to UN bodies, such as the Human Rights Council, a Special Rapporteur, or a treaty body like the CRPD Committee.</p>
<p>A principal method for these communications is the shadow report (also referred to as "parallel reports" or "alternative reports"), which supplements, or "shadows," an official governmental report.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/8e4c75055b681c94ee8b4e3fc14834d0/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/undraw_Documents_re_isxv.png" alt="Shadow reporting" /></p>
<p>Such additional information is often very useful for treaty bodies provided it is credible.</p>
<p>While there is no single format for shadow reports to a treaty body, it should have these features:</p>
<li>Be organized according to the articles of the particular treaty, as a commentary on the State Party's report; and</li>
<li>Analyze a particular problem rather than merely describe it.</li>
<p>Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPD's) may find it useful to produce reports that shadow the entire State report, but this is a labour-intensive process. So instead, a disability organization that works on particular issues might produce reports that merely shadow one or a few issue areas and articles of a treaty, for example, the provisions on violence.</p>
<p>It is often helpful for NGOs to work in coalitions to create shadow reports. For example, an OPD might collaborate with a women's human rights NGO in drafting a shadow report on the reproductive rights of women with disabilities, with each organization contributing in the area of their expertise. Working in coalitions is also an effective way to ensure that the particular treaty-monitoring body gains a comprehensive view of a situation in a specific country. </p>
<p>Advocates should follow basic ethical guidelines and human rights principles in their preparation of shadow reports, taking care to present accurate information, partnering with local organizations and consulting experts with disabilities, avoiding conflicts of interest (for example, participating in a shadow report without disclosing close links to government), among others.</p>
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<h3>Explainer: OPD advocacy planning for shadow reporting</h3>
<p>The key steps that a coalition of OPDs should follow in the process of developing high quality and credible shadow reports are as follows:</p>
<p>This slide indicates some of the key steps that OPDs can take and advocacy planning for participation in the reporting cycle, particularly where they're interested in submitting their own report to the CRPD committee.</p>
<p><em>Select each tab to learn more.</em></p>
<p>The questionnaire includes information on the following:</p>
<p><em>Select each tab to reveal the explanation.</em></p>
<div class="accordion"><input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" checked="checked" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Formation of coalition/reporting team</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">The first step, of course, is forming a coalition and a reporting team. It's important to point out here that the CRPD committee and its guidance issued 2 NGOs in the reporting process underscores the importance of working in a coalition as opposed to submitting numerous separate reports.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Creation of reporting advocacy plan and timeline</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">A second step is creating a reporting advocacy plan and timeline. Of course, reports are not created in a vacuum to sit on a shelf after submission to the CRPD Committee, they need to be tied to a strategic advocacy plan.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Allocation of responsibilities for each task and Research and information gathering</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">There needs to be an allocation of responsibilities for each task, and then the research and information gathering can get underway. That's critically important for a report to be credible and legitimate, and persuasive.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Report development, Consultations and engagement with stakeholders & partners</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">After that, the report would be developed. To incorporate the inputs of others, consultation and engagement with stakeholders and partners would need to take place before the report is finalized</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Submission of report to CRPD Committee</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">This includes advocacy to support concluding observations and recommendations of CRPD Committee. The report is then submitted to the CRPD Committee and indeed other stakeholders, including the government. And advocacy to support concluding observations and recommendations of the CRPD committee should start to take shape.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>National level follow-up</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">At the national level, in terms of follow up, OCDs need to use their participation in reporting to check in with the government about the implementation of recommendations.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Continued dissemination of the report to other actors</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">There should be continued dissemination over reports to other actors, for example, to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the National Human Rights Commission, the designated NHRIs responsible for its own independent monitoring and many others.</div>
<p>Those are just some of the key steps for OPPD advocacy in relation to thinking about participating in the CRPD reporting Process.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/928040fdee8a0e961d72ed4e343877be/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/key_steps_for_OPPD_advocacy.png" alt="Those are just some of the key steps for OPPD advocacy in relation to thinking about participating in the CRPD reporting Process" /></p>
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<h3>Who monitors a Human Rights treaty?</h3>
<p>Many stakeholders monitor human rights convention.</p>
<p><em>Select each tab to learn more.</em></p>
<div class="accordion"><input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" checked="checked" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>States parties</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">
<p>States parties are countries that have ratified or acceded to the international treaty. Through ratification or accession, a country agrees to be legally bound by the treaty's provisions.</p>
<p>Of course, each State Party is responsible for monitoring how they are complying with treaty obligations and commitments that they've taken on through ratification.</p>
<p>Each State Party must submit a comprehensive report on measures taken to implement the CRPD within two years of ratification, then every four years.</p>
<p>Reporting Obligation Established by Article 35 of the CRPD.</p>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Organization of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs)</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">
<p>An organization of persons with disabilities, or OPD (also referred to as a Disabled persons' organization, or DPO), is a representative organization or group of persons with disabilities, where persons with disabilities constitute a majority of the overall staff, board, and volunteers in all levels of the organization.</p>
<p>It includes organizations of relatives of persons with disabilities (only those representing groups without legal capacity to form organizations, such as children with disabilities and persons with intellectual disabilities) where a primary aim of these organizations is empowerment and the growth of self-advocacy of persons with disabilities.</p>
<p>What are the rules of organizations or persons with disabilities in monitoring?</p>
<p>Firstly, It's important to first of all look at Article 4.3 in the provisions of the general obligation of the CRPD:</p>
<p><em>In the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the present Convention, and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities, States parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations.</em></p>
<p><strong><br /></strong>Secondly, <strong>Article 33(3) Monitoring </strong>is the provision concerning national level monitoring has a specific provision for civil society monitoring:</p>
<p><em>Civil society, <strong>in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organizations,</strong> shall be involved and participate fully in the monitoring process.</em></p>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>Other civil society organizations</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">Other civil society organizations also can play a critical role in monitoring disability rights obligations. Mainstream human rights organizations include Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Women's rights groups, labour unions and many others.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>National Human Rights Commissions, Ombuds Persons</span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">These are independent entities that monitor human rights treaty commitments play a very important role in monitoring the CRPD. In fact, national human rights institutions were integrally involved in the drafting of the CRPD.</div>
<input type="radio" name="select" class="accordion-select" />
<div class="accordion-title"><span>The UN mechanisms </span></div>
<div class="accordion-content">
<p>The UN mechanisms and Treaty Bodies play a critical role. Treaty Bodies are international committees of independent experts who monitor States parties' implementation of the eight core human rights treaties and their optional protocols, based on reports from States parties and information from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other relevant sources.</p>
<p>The Treaty Bodies include the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and special procedures like the Special Repertoire on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities or the Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Human Rights by Persons with Albinism and many others.</p>
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<h3>CRPD Monitoring and Implementation measures</h3>
<p>At the international level, the CRPD provides for monitoring through the creation of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a group of elected independent experts.</p>
<p>The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is the body of independent experts which monitors the implementation of the Convention by the States Parties.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/c4c5114ee3b126820686a4a271936c3e/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/undraw_google_analytics_a57d.png" alt="implementation" /></p>
<p>Such a committee, known as a treaty body, is a common feature of all core human rights conventions. Treaty bodies all perform important oversight functions, including the review of periodic reports which States parties are required to make; engaging in dialogue with States regarding their reports; and issuing concluding observations and recommendations to the State Party. </p>
<p>Although recommendations and concluding observations issued by treaty committees are not legally binding, they carry weight and can often lead to changes in law and policy. Moreover, they provide an important basis for NGOs to advocate for human rights implementation in a particular country.</p>
<p>There are three components to international monitoring and implementation in the CRPD:</p>
<p><strong>1) Conference of States Parties to the CRPD</strong><strong><br /></strong></p>
<li>Meets in order to consider any matter with regard to the implementation of the Convention (biennially or upon decision by the Conference)</li>
<p><strong style="font-size: 1em;">2) Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - The CRPD Treaty Body</strong><strong><br /></strong></p>
<li>A body of 18 independent experts serving in their personal capacity</li>
<li>Tasked with reviewing States’ implementation of the Convention </li>
<p><strong style="font-size: 1em;">3) Optional Protocol to the CRPD</strong><strong><br /></strong></p>
<li>A legally binding treaty separate from the CRPD that States may opt into in order to grant the CRPD Committee additional mandates:
<li>1) Review of individual/group communications alleging violations of the CRPD and resulting in Committee recommendations to a State;</li>
<li>2) Procedure of inquiry allowing the CRPD Committee to review grave and systemic violations of the CRPD in a particular country.</li>
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<h3>Stages of the CRPD Reporting Process</h3>
<p>Starting with the State report and then going on to the formulation of the list of issues to a state, the response to the list of issues by a state and possibly by organizations of persons with disabilities, and then the constructive and interactive dialogue that takes place between the Committee and the State Party and other actors in Geneva and then the issuance of the.</p>
<p>Concluding observations and recommendations by the CRP to the Committee along with some follow-up actions and the cycle of course continues.</p>
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<h3>Periodic Conference of States parties to the CRPD</h3>
<p>In addition to its creation of a treaty body, the CRPD also provides for an annual Conference of States parties to consider matters related to the implementation of the CRPD.</p>
<p>Attended by representatives of all States that have ratified the CRPD, this conference provides an important opportunity for States to share lessons learned and an excellent opportunity for disability advocates to lobby States on CRPD implementation.</p>
<h3>Periodic Reporting</h3>
<p>Periodic reporting, a mechanism written into most human rights treaties, provides a means of systematically monitoring how States parties are meeting the obligations they undertook when they ratified a treaty.</p>
<p>Reporting under the CRPD is an important tool with which governments, national human rights institutions, and civil society can take stock of the State of enjoyment of human rights of persons with disabilities in a particular Member State.</p>
<p>Periodic reporting to the CRPD Committee serves these functions:</p>
<li>Provides a vehicle for governments, national human rights institutions, and civil society to understand better the objectives and rights included in the CRPD;</li>
<li>Gives publicity to the CRPD and the human rights situation of persons with disabilities;</li>
<li>Provides an opportunity for the reporting State to benefit from the expertise of the CRPD Committee and to dialogue on advancing the implementation of the CRPD;</li>
<li>Highlights good practices that could be shared with other States parties;</li>
<li>Allows governments to benefit from the good practices and experiences of other governments as all periodic reports and concluding observations of Committees are public documents;</li>
<li>Provides essential guidance to governments, national human rights institutions, and civil society for future action to implement the CRPD, giving an authoritative guide for future legislation, policies and programmes; and</li>
<li>Highlights areas where a State Party might benefit from international assistance.</li>
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<h3>CRPD Article 35 Reporting Requirement</h3>
<p>The CRPD Article 35 reporting requirement involves two basic stages:</p>
<li>CRPD Committee receives report</li>
<li>CRPD Committee reviews report</li>
<p>Within two years after the ratification of the CRPD, each State Party is required to submit to the CRPD Committee an initial comprehensive report on measures taken to implement the treaty and progress to date. The CRPD Committee, like other treaty bodies, has established reporting guidelines to direct States parties in the preparation of their reports.</p>
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<p>The initial report should do the following:</p>
<li>Establish the constitutional, legal, and administrative framework for the implementation of the CRPD, which should include identifying laws that advance the CRPD along with those that have been, or still need to be, modified to advance implementation;</li>
<li>Explain the policies and programmes adopted to implement each of the CRPD's provisions; and</li>
<li>Identify any progress made in the enjoyment of the rights of persons with disabilities as a result of the ratification and implementation of the CRPD.</li>
<li>Each State Party must submit subsequent reports at least every four years or whenever the Committee so requests. Subsequent reports should do the following:</li>
<li>Respond to the concerns and other issues highlighted by the CRPD Committee in its concluding observations in previous reports;</li>
<li>Indicate progress made in the enjoyment of the rights of persons with disabilities over the reporting period; and</li>
<li>Highlight any obstacles that the government and other actors might have faced in implementing the CRPD over the reporting period.</li>
<p>Reports may indicate factors and difficulties that States are facing in implementing the CRPD.</p>
<p>States should prepare reports in an open and transparent manner and should consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities and their representative organizations. </p>
<p>The preparation of periodic reports has the following intended effects:</p>
<li>Encourages governments to undertake a comprehensive review of national law, policies, and programmes on human rights and disability;</li>
<li>Ensures State Parties regularly monitor the enjoyment of the rights of persons with disabilities;</li>
<li>Encourages governments to set priorities and indicators by which to judge their performance;</li>
<li>Provides governments with a benchmark against which subsequent reports may be compared;</li>
<li>Provides an opportunity for public discussion and scrutiny of the government's performance; and</li>
<li>Highlights difficulties in implementation which might otherwise not come to light.</li>
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<p>The OP-CRPD is a legal instrument related to an existing treaty. It introduces procedures and/or addresses issues that the original treaty does not cover. It is called "optional" because States are not required to become parties to the protocol, even if they are party to the parent treaty. Thus a government may have ratified and become a party to the CRPD but may not have ratified and become a party to the Optional Protocol to the CRPD. </p>
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<p>The OP-CRPD to the CRPD introduces two procedures to strengthen the implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:</p>
<li>an individual communications procedure; and</li>
<li>an inquiry procedure.</li>
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<h3><em>OP-CRPD</em> Communications procedure</h3>
<p>The individual communications procedure permits individuals and groups of individuals whose government has ratified the Optional Protocol to complain to the CRPD Committee that the State has breached one of its obligations under the CRPD. This complaint is known as "individual communication".</p>
<p>When the Committee receives such an individual communication, it will examine the complaint and then formulate its views and recommendations, if any, on the communication and send them to the State in question. Those views and recommendations appear in the Committee's public report to the General Assembly. Individual communications procedures are a paper process only - in other words, neither the complainant nor the State appears before the Committee in person.</p>
<p>Not all communications are admissible - some will be considered inadmissible where –</p>
<li>It is anonymous;</li>
<li>It is abusive or incompatible with the provisions of the CRPD;</li>
<li>The same complaint has already been examined by the Committee;</li>
<li>The same complaint has been or is being examined under another international investigations procedure;</li>
<li>All available domestic remedies have not yet been exhausted – in other words, the complainant has attempted to obtain a remedy through the legal system of the State prior to lodging a complaint at the international level with the CRPD Committee. though if no remedies exist at the domestic level, this requirement may be waived;</li>
<li>It is ill-founded or not sufficiently substantiated; and/or</li>
<li>The facts occurred and terminated before the Protocol was valid for State in question.</li>
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<h3>OP-CRPD Inquiry procedures</h3>
<p>Like some other human rights treaties, the CRPD's Optional Protocol has a procedure of inquiry that allows the CRPD Committee initiate investigations regarding "egregious or systematic human rights violations." In such cases, the CRPD Committee is to call on that State Party to collaborate in an investigation and submit its observations for review. The inquiry is confidential and has to be conducted with the full cooperation of the State concerned.</p>
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<p>The CRPD Optional Protocol inquiry procedure mirrors those of other human rights inquiry procedures and proceeds as follows:</p>
<li>Information is submitted to the CRPD Committee, for example by a disabled people's organization or some other non-governmental organization, alleging serious human rights violations;</li>
<li>The Committee reviews the information to assess its reliability and whether it does indicate grave or systematic violations of the CRPD;</li>
<li>The Committee may invite the State in question to cooperate in the examination of the information, for example by asking the State to submit its observations on the information received.</li>
<li>The Committee reviews any of the State Party's observations;</li>
<li>The Committee reviews other reliable information, for instance, reports received from Persons Organizations (DPOs);</li>
<li>The Committee may choose to designate one or more of its members to conduct an inquiry and report to it on an urgent basis;</li>
<li>Where the Committee decides it is warranted and provided the State concerned gives consent, the inquiry may include a visit to the country by Committee members;</li>
<li>Following an examination of the findings of the inquiry, the Committee must transmit the findings and its comments to the State, which has six months to submit its observations to the Committee;</li>
<li>After the six month period in which it may submit its observations, the State may be invited to provide details of measures taken to respond to the inquiry and the Committee may request further information from the State;</li>
<li>The Committee will then publish a summary of its findings in its report to the General Assembly. Subject to the agreement of the State concerned, the Committee may also publish its full report on the inquiry.</li>
<p>It is possible for a State to ratify the Optional Protocol but to "opt-out" of the inquiry procedure. In other words, at the time of <strong>signing</strong>, ratification, or <strong>accession</strong> of the OP-CRPD, the State may declare that it does not recognize the competence of the Committee to undertake inquiries. However, it does accept the individual communications procedure. While a State may "opt-out" of the inquiry procedure, all States parties to the Optional Protocol must accept the "individual communications" procedure.</p>
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<p>The collection and analysis of reliable data on disability and related issues play a significant role in developing accurate, useful and implementable laws and policies to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities.</p>
<p>CRPD <em>Article 31 - Statistics and Data Collection,</em> requires States to collect appropriate information, including statistical and research data, as a basis for formulating laws and policies relating to the rights of persons with disabilities.</p>
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<p>The CRPD further requires the following:</p>
<li>The data collection to comply with legally established standards to ensure confidentiality and respect for privacy, as well as internationally accepted norms to protect rights and ethical principles in the collection and use of statistics.</li>
<li>The data to be broken down, or "disaggregated," in various ways (for example, according to gender, age, geographical location, or impairment group) to enable it to be used to assess the effectiveness of implementation efforts in any particular area or with respect to a particular group.</li>
<li>States to ensure that this information is disseminated to persons with disabilities in accessible formats and to other interested persons, particularly through organizations of persons with disabilities.</li>
<p>Here is an example of CRPD Committee observations regarding data in relation to the report of Tunisia:</p>
<p><em>The Committee on the Convention on the Rights of</em></p>
<p><em>Persons with Disabilities on Data and Statistics</em></p>
<p><em>The Committee on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Committee) issued the following concluding observations in response to the report of Tunisia:</em></p>
<ol start="37">
<li><em> The Committee recommends that the State party systematize the collection, analysis and dissemination of data, disaggregated by sex, age and disability, enhance capacity-building in this regard, and develop gender-sensitive indicators to support legislative developments, policymaking and institutional strengthening for monitoring and reporting on progress made with regard to the implementation of the various provisions of the Convention. </em></li>
</ol><ol start="38">
<li><em> The Committee regrets the invisibility of children with disabilities in data related to protection of children.</em></li>
</ol><ol start="39">
<li><em> The Committee recommends that the State party systematically collect, analyze and disseminate data, disaggregated by sex, age and disability, on abuse and violence against children. </em></li>
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<h3>The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities</h3>
<p>The CRPD mandates the creation of a Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It is composed of 18 independent experts and is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention by the States parties. The Committee meets twice a year in Geneva and has the following functions, similar to other human rights treaty bodies:</p>
<li>Examination of periodic reports submitted by states;</li>
<li>Development of a list of questions in response to report;</li>
<li>Submission of concluding observations on State reports;</li>
<li>Formulation of general comments;</li>
<li>Consideration of individual communications (as provided under the <strong>Optional Protocol</strong>, considered in more detail below); and</li>
<li>Undertaking of inquiries (as provided under the Optional Protocol, considered in more detail below);</li>
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<p>The CRPD has an explicit social development dimension. It recognizes that persons with disabilities often face the risk of poverty and that many of them experience multiple forms of discrimination based on economic or another status. It also acknowledges the importance of addressing the negative impact of poverty on persons with disabilities.</p>
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<p>CRPD <strong>Article 32 - International cooperation</strong> expressly recognizes the importance of international cooperation to support the national efforts of States parties to implement their obligations effectively. It requires States parties to cooperate through partnerships with other States and/or with relevant international and regional organizations and civil society to support their national measures to implement the CRPD. The Convention also expressly recognizes the importance of ensuring that international development programmes include persons with disabilities and thus supports disability-inclusive development processes. This is critical given that the vast majority of persons with disabilities live in developing countries in poverty.</p>
<p>Article 32 identifies explicitly a range of measures that States can take within the framework of international cooperation, such as:</p>
<li>Disability inclusion in international cooperation, including international development programmes;</li>
<li>Capacity building, including through the exchange and sharing of information, experiences, training programs, and best practices;</li>
<li>Research programs and the facilitation of access to scientific knowledge; and</li>
<li>Technical and economic assistance, including the facilitation of access to accessible and assistive technologies.</li>
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<h3>The European Commission</h3>
<p>In 2004, the European Commission issued a Guidance Note on Disability and Development. This document provides advice to European Union (EU) delegations on addressing disability within the context of development cooperation. It explicitly recognizes that poverty reduction goals cannot be met without accounting for the needs of persons with disabilities. It also recognizes that persons with disabilities are not sufficiently included in international development work funded by the EU.</p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/964e0ab51c33094fb0f7e3ccc9764934/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/theeuropeantriangle.png" alt="the European Commission, which represents the interests of the Union as a whole" /></p>
<p>The Guidance Note supports:</p>
<li>Understanding the scale and impact of disability in the country setting and recognize the diversity of the population of persons with disabilities;</li>
<li>advocating and supporting the human rights model of disability as opposed to the charity/medical approach;</li>
<li>Pursuing a "twin-track approach", defined as the need to "mainstream disability issues across all relevant programmes and projects and to have specific projects for disabled people"; and</li>
<li>As part of the mid-term review, assessing the extent to which country programmes are inclusive of persons with disabilities.</li>
<li>Focusing on children; and</li>
<li>supporting people and partnerships.</li>
<p>The European Commission published the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, the second strategy of its kind, and builds upon the work done on the basis of the Disability Strategy 2010-2020. The Strategy 2021-2030 aims to establish the EU's objectives as regards the commitment to improve the life of persons with disabilities who constitute 25% of the total European population, or 87 million Europeans.</p>
<p>A number of OSCE Member States have adopted explicit policies and guidelines on disability-inclusive development. For example:</p>
<li>The Italian Agency for Development for Cooperation, Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disability and Social Inclusion in Development Aid Projects 2018</li>
<li>Finland, Finnish Approach to Addressing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Development Cooperation and Policy (see photo below)</li>
<li>UK, Department for International Development Strategy for Inclusive Development (see photo below)</li>
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<h3>Other mechanisms for monitoring</h3>
<p>There are currently nine human rights <strong>treaty bodies</strong> like the Committee on the CRPD. All are composed of independent experts who monitor the implementation of these core international human rights treaties.</p>
<p>A tenth treaty body, the <strong>Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture,</strong> established under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, monitors places of detention in States parties to the Optional Protocol. The treaty bodies are created in accordance with the provisions of the treaty that they monitor.</p>
<p><strong>The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights</strong> (OHCHR) supports the work of these treaty bodies and assists them in harmonizing their working methods and reporting requirements through their secretariats. </p>
<p><img width="90%" src="//d24jp206mxeyfm.cloudfront.net/assets/courseware/v1/4a940519b2984325dbae1701afb82795/asset-v1:OSCE+HD-RPD-EN+2021_09+type@asset+block/undraw_Memory_storage_reh0.png" alt="monitoring" /></p>
<p>Because all human rights treaties protect the rights of persons with disabilities, the independent committees of all other UN human rights treaties also have a role in monitoring the rights of persons with disabilities within the scope of each specific treaty. For example, the Human Rights Committee has the authority to monitor the civil and political rights of persons with disabilities amongst States parties to the<strong> International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights</strong> (ICCPR).</p>
<p>The <strong>Committee on the Rights of the Child</strong> has the authority to consider the situation of the enjoyment of the rights of children with disabilities.</p>
<p><strong>Universal Periodic Review Process </strong></p>
<p>The <strong>Universal Periodic Review</strong> (UPR) is a unique process that involves a review of the human rights records of all 192 UN Member States once every four years. The UN General Assembly created UPR in 2006 by resolution 60/251, which also established the Human Rights Council itself. The UPR provides the opportunity for each State to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries and to fulfill their human rights obligations. </p>
<p><strong>Special procedures </strong></p>
<p>Special Procedures refer to various mechanisms overseen by the Human Rights Council to address either specific country situations or thematic human rights issues across the world. These procedures include:</p>
<li><strong>Individual Experts - </strong>An individual <strong>special rapporteur</strong>, representative, or independent expert appointed by the Human Rights Council and working on a voluntary basis.</li>
<li><strong>Working Groups</strong> - A group of prominent, independent experts working on a voluntary basis and appointed by the Human Rights Council.</li>
<p>The mandates of these Special Procedures typically task the appointed experts or working group to examine, monitor, advise, and publicly report on human rights situations.</p>
<p>Some known as country mandates have the responsibility to focus on specific countries or territories.</p>
<p>Others known as <strong>thematic mandates</strong> are assigned to monitor major issues of human rights violations worldwide.</p>
<p>Currently, there are some <strong>30 </strong>thematic mandates and some <strong>8 </strong>country mandates. All report to the Human Rights Council on their findings and recommendations. In some cases, these mandates are the only mechanism that draws the international community's attention to certain human rights issues.</p>
<p>There are opportunities for disability advocates to engage with these special procedures to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are being addressed in all of the contexts within which individual experts and working groups work.</p>
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<h4>Additional resources</h4>
<p><span class="fa fa-globe fa-2x" aria-hidden="true" title="Website activity"> </span><span style="white-space: pre;"> <a href="http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=212" target="_blank">Concise manual relating to CRPD monitoring</a></span></p>
<p><span class="fa fa-globe fa-2x" aria-hidden="true" title="Website activity"> </span><span style="white-space: pre;"> <a href=" http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/" target="_blank">Overview of the CRPD for legislators and others International Disability Alliance</a></span></p>
<p><span class="fa fa-globe fa-2x" aria-hidden="true" title="Website activity"> </span><span style="white-space: pre;"> <a href="http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/CRPDIndex.aspx" target="_blank">Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities</a></span></p>
<p><strong><span style="white-space: pre;">The Core International Human Rights Instruments and their monitoring bodies</span></strong></p>
<table width="100%">
<p><strong><em>Monitoring Body</em></strong></p>
<td width="10%">
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CERD.aspx">ICERD</a></strong></p>
<td width="66%">
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CERD.aspx" target="_blank">International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination</a></p>
<td width="11%">
<p>21 Dec 1965</p>
<td width="13%">
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CERD/Pages/CERDIndex.aspx">CERD</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx">ICCPR</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx" target="_blank">International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights</a></p>
<p>16 Dec 1966</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CCPR/Pages/CCPRIndex.aspx">CCPR</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CESCR.aspx">ICESCR</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CESCR.aspx" target="_blank">International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights</a></p>
<p>16 Dec 1966</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies/cescr/pages/cescrindex.aspx">CESCR</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CEDAW.aspx">CEDAW</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CEDAW.aspx" target="_blank">Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women</a></p>
<p>18 Dec 1979</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies/cedaw/pages/cedawindex.aspx">CEDAW</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CAT.aspx">CAT</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CAT.aspx" target="_blank">Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment</a></p>
<p>10 Dec 1984</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies/cat/pages/catindex.aspx">CAT</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CRC.aspx">CRC</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CRC.aspx" target="_blank">Convention on the Rights of the Child</a></p>
<p>20 Nov 1989</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRC/Pages/CRCIndex.aspx">CRC</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CMW.aspx">ICMW</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CMW.aspx" target="_blank">International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families</a></p>
<p>18 Dec 1990</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CMW/Pages/CMWIndex.aspx">CMW</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CED/Pages/ConventionCED.aspx">CPED</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CED/Pages/ConventionCED.aspx" target="_blank">International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance</a></p>
<p>20 Dec 2006</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CED/Pages/CEDIndexOld.aspx">CED</a></p>
<p><strong><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/ConventionRightsPersonsWithDisabilities.aspx">CRPD</a></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/ConventionRightsPersonsWithDisabilities.aspx" target="_blank">Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities</a></p>
<p>13 Dec 2006</p>
<p><a href="https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/CRPDIndex.aspx">CRPD</a></p>
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<div class="page-banner"><div class="alert alert-warning"><span class="icon icon-alert fa fa fa-warning" aria-hidden="true"></span><div class="message-content">Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Guidelines on the treaty-specific document to be submitted by States parties under Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is only accessible to enrolled learners. Sign in or register, and enroll in this course to view it.</div></div></div>
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<p>Well done, you have completed this module.</p>
<p>You should be now familiar with:</p>
<li>Understand monitoring mechanisms under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD);</li>
<li>Explain the international monitoring process undertaken by the CRPD Committee and the role of civil society organizations in monitoring;</li>
<li>Understand national level monitoring requirements under the CRPD; and</li>
<li>Identify roles for disability advocates and organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) to play in monitoring implementation of the CRPD at national and international levels.</li>
<p><em>Let's check what you have learned so far.</em></p>
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