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The Vienna Document Advanced FSC Programme

The OSCE “Forum for Security Co-operation Programme” has been developed to increase the knowledge about the politico-military dimension of the organization, entailing the broad and diverse agenda of the Forum for Security and Co-operation (FSC).

Programme Overview

The OSCE "Forum for Security Co-operation Programme" has been developed to increase the knowledge of the OSCE participating States (pS), point of contacts in Capitals (POCs) and OSCE Executive Structures about the politico-military dimension of the organization, entailing the broad and diverse agenda of the Forum for Security and Co-operation (FSC).

The project's overall objective is to support the systemization of knowledge transfer to the delegates and national focal points in the capitals of the pS and verification centers about the broad agenda of the FSC.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us:

OFFICE: +43 1 514 36 6262

What you will learn

  • Examine each of the 12 chapters of the Vienna Document in depth.
  • Learn about interesting facts, case studies and number of amendment proposals to the Vienna document.
  • Enhance your knowledge on the OSCE politico-military dimension and related topics.

Course curriculum

The FSC in-depth: Advanced FSC Programme The Vienna Document

Consists of the following chapters:

  1. Annual Exchange of Military Information – AEMI
  2. Defence Planning
  3. Risk Reduction
  4. Contacts
  5. Prior Notification of Certain Military Activities
  6. Observation of Certain Military Activities
  7. Annual Calendars
  8. Constraining Provisions
  9. Compliance and Verification
  10. Regional Measures
  11. Annual Implementation Assessment Meeting


Gratitude is extended to Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland, whose financial contributions supported the development of the "FSC Programme".

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will this course take?

All courses in the "FSC Programme" are entirely self-paced, meaning that you can log in to the OSCE E-Learning platform at any time and progress at your own speed to complete modules in no particular order. However, please note that the "FSC Programme" may have an end date, so it means you should complete it within the given timeframe.

Why is this course free?

All courses available on the OSCE E-Learning platform are free. We extend our gratitude and thank our organizational donors in Finland, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland, whose financial contributions supported the "FSC Programme" development.

Are there any requirements and prerequisites?

No special skills or knowledge are required for the "FSC Programme". You can start with any course or even attempt the certificate assessment.

Can I receive the certificate?

Yes, after completion of the "FSC Programme" and if you pass the "FSC Programme" certificate assessment - you will receive an official OSCE certificate of achievement or other acknowledgement (a "Certificate").

How does the Certificate assessment work?

There will be approximate -- random questions covering at least three topics per module. You should score 70% or more to get the certificate. Please note:

  • You will get only one attempt per question;
  • Except for Correct/Incorrect - no further feedback is provided.
What if I fail the assessment?

Don't worry - you will get unlimited attempts to re-do the certificate assessment!

Can I learn using my mobile phone?

Yes. The Open edX platform works on desktop and mobile devices with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. See our list of supported browsers for the most up-to-date information.
